
Duke Warner Realty

July 2024 Real Estate Trends

“For July 2024, the Bend, Oregon real estate market continues to exude vibrancy and dynamism, presenting a unique mix of opportunities and challenges for both buyers and sellers. The city’s flourishing economy, scenic landscapes, and exceptional quality of life remain key drivers in drawing individuals who aspire to make Bend and greater Central Oregon their home.

Even with the current challenges posed by limited inventory, mortgage rates, and the inflation, the market continues to exhibit steady growth and offers a variety of housing options, ranging from modern downtown condos to expansive single-family homes that boast breathtaking mountain vistas. To navigate the competitive market and capitalize on opportunities in this flourishing Central Oregon city, both buyers and sellers are encouraged to work alongside seasoned real estate professionals.

Bend Market Review >>

Inventory / Active

last month -> 413

Avg Days on Market

last month -> 27

Average Sale Price to List Price

last month -> 100%

# of Homes Sold

last month -> 147

Ready to Buy or Sell in Central Oregon?

Our roots in Bend began in 1967...

Redmond Market Review

Inventory / Active

last month -> 238

Avg Days on Market

last month -> 37

Average Sale Price to List Price

last month -> 99%

# of Homes Sold

last month -> 76

As summer takes full effect in Central Oregon, the real estate market bursts with promising opportunities. The region’s breathtaking landscapes, abundance of outdoor activities, and vibrant communities continue to enchant homebuyers and investors looking to indulge in the season’s beauty.

Energy and Enthusiasm of Mid-Summer:

The summer season injects a fresh wave of energy into the Central Oregon real estate market. The warm weather sparks the interest of potential buyers, eager to explore the area and find their perfect home. This heightened activity also benefits sellers, giving them the chance to showcase their properties in optimal conditions and attract motivated buyers.

Ideal Timing for Buyers?

For those entering the real estate market in Central Oregon, spring and summer offer the ideal window of opportunity. With the region blossoming and thriving, the market is brimming with potential, making it the perfect moment to discover your dream home and fully embrace the sunny seasons in Central Oregon.

In Central Oregon, the real estate market comes alive as spring transitions into summer. With increased activity and vibrancy, both buyers and sellers can seize the opportunities that arise during this time. Whether you’re a buyer searching for the perfect home in a flourishing community or a seller looking to highlight your property’s potential, the Central Oregon real estate market in spring and summer presents a wealth of possibilities. Embrace the energy and excitement of the season as you explore the avenues that lie ahead.

Holy Cow, School is Aroud the Corner!

As summer reaches its peak in Central Oregon, the real estate market continues to pulse with activity and promise in 2024. Transitioning from spring, both buyers and sellers can look forward to a dynamic market in the upcoming months. The trends observed earlier in the year, such as an increase in available inventory and stability in the mortgage industry, have set the foundation for favorable conditions.

Capitalizing on Summer’s Opportunities:
To capitalize on the abundant opportunities in the market, staying informed about new listings and closely tracking market dynamics is essential. Central Oregon’s summer real estate market offers a diverse array of prospects for those in search of their dream property in this alluring region. With the season in full swing, now is the perfect moment to leverage the plentiful opportunities present in the Central Oregon real estate market. Get ready to embrace the energy and excitement that summer injects into the region’s real estate landscape!

In conclusion, as summer unfolds in Central Oregon, the real estate market remains vibrant and full of potential in 2024. Building upon the momentum from spring, both buyers and sellers can anticipate an active market in the months ahead. By staying informed and taking proactive steps, you can maximize the myriad opportunities available in Central Oregon’s real estate market.

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