Deciding Where To Buy A Home
Central Oregon has grown quite a bit over the years and with that growth, we’ve seen everything from new neighborhoods to new businesses nestled in a neighborhood, new subdivisions and lots of options to buy when you are house hunting. We’ve all heard it said many times, location is everything, and we don’t disagree! There are many things people are willing to overlook when it comes to buying a home, whether there aren’t as many bathrooms as you’d like, or some of the bedrooms are downstairs while others are upstairs. Sometimes the home we want doesn’t have a big enough yard, or it’s got too big of a yard and we dread maintaining it during the warmer months. Most of the little things are preference issues that we can usually live with if it’s the perfect house otherwise.
Location on the other hand, isn’t something most people want to overlook. For most house hunters, location is the most important factor when looking for a home to buy. We’ve come up with a few tips to consider when picking your perfect home to buy.
Why is location so important?
Your home is likely the biggest investment you will ever make. However, you aren’t simply investing in a house, you are also investing in its location.
When researching where to buy a home, you can get an idea about the desirability of a neighborhood by taking a leisurely walk. Observe the upkeep of sidewalks, front lawns, and houses. If you meet someone, do they smile or keep their head down when passing you? Are there vacant houses or a lot of “for sale” signs in the front yards? If so, this is an indicator that the neighborhood is on a downward trek.
Talking face-to-face with prospective neighbors can be scary, yet also advantageous. You may be privy to neighborhood gossip. Neighbors may also embrace pride of ownership, which can help you determine whether to buy the home under consideration.
Should you buy a home in a neighborhood with a homeowners association?
Now onto the question: where to buy a home?
A neighborhood is permanent and so you’ll want to research the neighborhood before buying a home. Safe neighborhoods are important not just for you and your loved ones, but it’s also important for the resale value of the home. Thinking like a seller might seem like a far-off concept but keeping it in mind will help you down the road.
Do a little research about previous crime in the area, introduce yourself to neighbors and ask them what they think about their neighborhood, notice who is out walking~ are there children playing in the neighborhood park? These things will be great indicators to whether or not the adults in the neighborhood trust the surrounding area and the people in it.
Outstanding School District
Another thing you can’t change is the school district where your new home will be situated. Influencers call an outstanding school district a “safe” investment. Your home will automatically sustain its resale value when it is located within an exceptional school district.
No kids? No worries. If you decide to sell your home, it will jump right off the market to parents looking for great schools. Also, neighborhoods with children tend to be safer and neighbors friendlier.
Shopping, Restaurants & Transportation
The best neighborhoods boast awesome restaurants and convenient places to shop. Nearby public transportation is a must-have, which favorable locations normally offer. When researching where to buy a home, consider looking into these locations. Not only will it be a convenience for you, but it will increase your home’s value.
There are a lot of neighborhoods that are centrally located to grocery stores, coffee shops, auto shops and more. Try to find a neighborhood that fits your lifestyle, so you don’t have to make long commutes for your groceries, medical help and ideally, for your job. Spending less time in your car and more time at home is the ideal for most people, so finding a home centrally located to your daily needs will support your life with convenience and accessibility.
Resale value
Resale value is an important factor to consider when buying a home, even if you don’t plan to sell anytime soon. Knowing the facts about the neighborhood can be solid indicators of how desirable your home or lot will be in the future.
Some neighborhood features that increase home value include:
Is there a public park or swimming pool nearby? Does it have entertainment venues, shopping plazas, movie theaters or grocery stores? Are there career opportunities in the area? All of these factors play in the types of property values in neighborhoods. While you may see a boost in prices, you also shouldn’t be surprised if there is a decrease in the home values based on the condition and age of the community amenities. It’s great to have access to a shopping plaza, yet neighborhood property values won’t rise if businesses aren’t interested in renting space there because the plaza hasn’t been maintained well.
Walkability in a neighborhood has become very appealing for potential home buyers. They want to live in a neighborhood where they can go out during the summer and walk a short distance to the park, local store, or restaurants. Even when desired conveniences are a little way off, having transportation other than their own vehicle is often desired by a wide range of people such as college students going to nearby classes and seniors going to social events or to the bank.
As homes get smaller, so that developers can fit more homes in, size is becoming as important as location. New build homes are getting close to half the size of homes build in the 50s. Three-bedroom homes are no longer a big three bedrooms, they feature two small bedrooms, and one smaller room that can function as a small office, but is legally defined as a bedroom. Two-bedroom homes are now more like one bedroom, with a small office. With a growing population in most areas, and especially in the Central Oregon Real Estate Market, size is now a hot commodity. This is a big factor to keep in mind when deciding where to buy a home!
When researching where to buy a home, it’s always a good idea to talk to an expert. Click below to get started today!