Duke Warner Realty

Time to Declutter and Donate!

Now that the warmer months are upon us, it’s a wonderful time to take an inventory of your home and clear out the clutter. There are many ways you can approach this project and coming up with a plan before you take on the big task, is essential. Decluttering is much easier when done systematically, for example, if you do it room by room, it isn’t as overwhelming, and you can focus on the items you use on a regular basis for that specific room in the house.

A good rule of thumb when clearing out clutter is to consider the last time you used the item or wore the piece of clothing. Many people believe it’s not worth holding on to if you haven’t used it or worn it in a year’s time. With that rule in mind, visit your drawers, open your closets and start a pile of items you are willing to part with.

A helpful exercise used by many is to imagine if you lost everything, then figure out what items you would want to replace. That gives you a good vision of where to start with the clean-out and starts the process of letting go of the items that do nothing but take up space. Depending on the size of your home, you may need to purchase bins or a storage system if there are heirlooms you want to keep but might not want to display in your home.

Focusing on the function of the item in question gives you a chance to really think about its importance in your home. Figure out if it has a specific function and if not, get rid of it. Try to leave sentimental feelings out of the consideration so you don’t get caught hanging onto things that just take up space.

Once you’ve done the declutter, it’s time to decide what you want to do with the pile of items you no longer want or need. Donating is a terrific way to stay organized, and most household items donated can be a tax write-off. Call shelters or teen-challenge programs in your community that take donations and find out what they are currently in need of. You can also sell on eBay or craigslist if you want to make some money on certain high-value items. If you decide to donate, survey the item to make sure it still works and if it’s clothing, consider how worn it is and make sure it’s clean before you give it away.

There are so many benefits to decluttering and you’ll no doubt enjoy your space much more once it feels organized. Donating to local organizations helps your community and gives your items a new lease on life!

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